Friday, August 11

Date Night On the Town

Honey came into town on Wednesday to babysit for us last night. Newcomers turned out to be 1000 retirees. For our real live first date night in Austin, we ended up on the Austin Duck tour doing the chicken dance over and over and over again. Granted we did meet lots of nice people with grandchildren the age of our daughter. I guess that's an indirect playgroup. Enjoy the pictures....


Sgulde said...

Did you really do the chicken dance over and over again? If you did... I love you. You are the funniest person I know.

Kristen said...

they gave us duck quackers... things which you blow into and they sound like a duck. it was also shaped like a duck's bill. RJ will love this toy as she grows up. So we blew into our quackers and sang along. We didn't actually standup and flap our wings and wiggle our butts like you do in the real chicken dance. This was the duck version. I still think I'm the funniest person you know. ;-)