Thursday, November 10

Do All Dogs Go to Heaven??

It has been a very traumatic day. Replaying every little bit and interaction with my dog, Purdy. At about 10:05 this morning, Purdy had an accident in the yard while she and Hank were chasing the neighbors chocolate lab up and down the fence line. I saw the whole thing. I was trying to keep them both from being so barky. All of a sudden Purdy collapsed and started to howl. Rosa Jane was crying as I was trying to find our new vet's number. I needed to find out how to care for Purdy. How to pick her up to get her to the vet...but by the time I found the number and went back out to the yard to Purdy, she was no longer breathing. I called Don immediately and he said I should go to the vet. It was all too much... between crying baby and sad little dog and I just knew it was already too late. I was bawling.

We'd had Purdy for just 2 1/2 years. We have hundreds of happy Purdy moments in our hearts and maybe 20 some-odd crazy, nutty times when we wanted to throw her overboard. She will be missed. She's already missed. I loved our "Indian Princess Little Head." She was one of a kind. She would purr and play with insects like a cat. She was the sensitive dog in this house. The one that would cuddle up when she sensed you were upset and sad.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Thanks so much for your thoughts. Purdy truly was a wonderful dog and the only thing we can say is it is better to have love and lost than to have never loved at all. Thank you for breeding such wonderful pets. Stay in touch and keep us updated on your litters!