Thursday, February 8

First Time Ever: Home Alone -- So Awesome, It Sucked

Whew! Lordy, it was a long time a-coming! A sweet angel from heaven above (I won't mention any names, AMY!!) volunteered to keep RJ for an hour or so yesterday afternoon. What an exalting feeling it was -- 16.5 months later -- to know that my beloved still existed in the world, but I didn't have to watch her. I didn't have to listen to her whine (I know, I know, I've kept a brave front that she never does this, but she is human. she is baby).

I recently browsed over to TomKat's site and realized there are babies in the world that LOVE the vacuum. Mine is not one of them. And it's such a heart breaking shame, too because I LOVE MY NEW VACUUM. So when I had the afternoon to myself, guess what I did?

I got out my trusty dusty vacuum and had a ball!!!!! No more dog hair on me or my floors. Who could ask for more happiness than that?


donr said...

My theory is that RJ hates the vacuum because HANK hates the vacuum. His barking upsets her, particularly his loud urgent barking. Very empathetic girl, RJ. Anyway, it's a perfect example of classical conditioning. The vacuum starts, and she gets wound up. Thanks, Comrade Pavlov...

Richardsons of HV said...

I'm glad you had a break! I needed a break by the time Will was 3 weeks old. Is that bad????

Kristen said...

I think it's awesome that you already knew you needed a break at 3 wks! I think I was just trying to hang as tough as possible. Silly me.

Cheryl said...

I like little bitties. I may be able to arrange a few more breaks for you in the coming months

Kristen said...

and that, cheryl, is the reason i dream big bold dreams! Cuz I know you're a-comin' to the rescue!!

Sgulde said...

Let's talk about dreams... how about that beautiful vaccum? Is that the Animal Dyson? Can you believe the day has come that I have vaccum envy? This is low. "I must get out more, I must get out more..."

Kristen said...

lol... that is the animal dyson. it's life changing, sal. never in my entire life have i ever adored vacuuming. it's safe to say i adore vacuuming now. why? because it works! and because it's not really that loud. i hate loud things, except being front row at a jack johnson concert or patty griffin or counting crows or dmb, or james taylor -- remember that time you talked to him from the 10th row?!? hilarious!

Kristen said...

oh yeah, the best part about the Animal? the "handle" comes out and makes this super suck-up wand that i use all over the nooks and crannies on my wood floors where dog hair collects -- around the chair feet, under the sofa, etc. It's A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. I would literally drop dead and die before you could take my Dyson from me. (she laughs while typing).