Tuesday, February 20

Peanut = CUTE!

Everyone asks us, "She's so cute, who does she look like?"

The answer? We have no idea really. She's her own special recipe of cute. The one and only. I see my Aunt's mouth and sometimes see the shape of Don's eyes on Rosa Jane. But that's about it. We were wondering what Reese (my dad) looked like as a baby. I don't think I've seen any pictures of him, but will have to raid my sister's house next time we're in the fair land of Riches. Of course we also think there are influences of the Ross Family, but it's been a while since I've recognized those traits on RJ. Who knows. I guess I'm glad she's not a total spitting image so that instead of saying "she's cute" they'd say, "she looks just like you" which may or may not be a compliment. Still, it would be nice if she resembled one of us more then we wouldn't feel like such biological imposters when we're out on the town.

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