Monday, February 5

Quick Show of Hands

If the city happened to be at the foot of your driveway repairing the road they tore up with brand new wet cement... then how many of you would be out there with your little one leaving your mark forever?


Be honest.
Addison and RJ BFF '07

Leaving your mark is always more fun with others, so we went down the hill and grabbed our neighbor Addison to join us. That's RJ's claw mark in the lower right corner. I don't know what it is, but there's always a scrap whenever RJ is around Addison. RJ gets territorial and her claws come out.

Addison's mom said what if we just let'em go at it sometime and see if they really hurt each other. About five seconds later, Addison picked up RJ's favorite toy and RJ went at her screaming.

RJ grabbed Addison's shirt with one hand and started beating her repeatedly with the other. So much for that experiment. As they were leaving, Monique thought it would be funny to tell RJ they were going to take her favorite car down to their house. I said sure, egg her on, but we know where you live and don't be surprised if you wake up tomorrow to find your lawn thoroughly forked.

I sure do like having jokesters living so close. It makes life more fun!


katherine petillo said...

oh yea. you gotta do it.

Fulmer Fam said...

Hello, YES, besides if it is the city repairing it you know they will have to do it again somewhere down the line, ha.