Saturday, February 24

"Just So We're Absolutely Clear on This,"

says the good doctor, "most babies are freaking out by now."

But not sweet Rosa Jane. She likes it.

She stays true to her original numbers -- 75% weight at 26 lbs and 50% height at 30". That would explain why her old pants now fit like highwaters and that cute dress hits just below her knees. I can't stress enough how heartbreaking it is to watch her outgrow my favorite outfits.

By the third shot her feelings were totally smashed but she tried to regain her composure. She gave the nurse a smile and a half-hearted "bye" when it was time to go.

Meanwhile, the car parked beside us in the parking lot had a bumpersticker that said, "Got Triplets?" And that of course has given us much about which to think.

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