Saturday, February 3

Embrace the Shorties

Bring on all the shorties. I love'em! I want to scoop'em up. I have no fear of snot or chewed up bits of food that didn't want to be swallowed by little people.

My, my I've come a long way.

Last night we had a wonderful dinner with Kate's family. We each recounted living our past days in Nashville. We realized some of our days there overlapped but I can't recall ever meeting them though our favorite places were the same: hillsboro village, south street, west end community church, fido, belmont ave, woodmont and estes, and green hills. Who could possibly think about all those places without thinking of her best friend, Sal Pal? Ah, the charmed memories!

Don reminded me that we once lived in Franklin/Brentwood and how much sally and i hated living in suburbia where there were children's toys strewn about the front lawn. Ick. I hated that so much. I will state again... my, my how much I've changed.

Please don't drive by my house today and be disgusted with the toys strewn about the lawn. We're honestly doing the best we can. ;-)


Sgulde said...

Bring on the shorties and all of their plastic worldly goods. We have come along way. But KB... the real question: would you live in a house that looked just like your neighbors? oh yes... and happened to be 10 feet from it?

I would.

If there were happy short people in it.


Kristen said...

Me, too. But they would have to be happy short people and not the kind of brats you see on the SuperNanny TV show. ;-)

Drew, Amber and Megan said...

Hey, it is good to be back! I was without a camera for awhile but I am back in business. Yes please add me! Welcome to the Party Zone!

Richardsons of HV said...

KBR...Don't be so quick to judge the brats on day you too will join the rank (even if for one short temper tantrum here and there).
I never said I'd live in Lewisville...I've lived here TWICE! Funny the things we say we'd never do!

Kristen said...

LOL! I know you're right, dear friend... I began eating my words shortly after you told me you were marrying an older man so many years ago! Life is awesome, though! Never knowing what's around the next corner. You just have to go there and see for yourself. Then laugh your head off at the reality of it!

Richardsons of HV said...

You SO beat me on the older man deal! LOL!
Other things I said I wouldn't do:
Scrapbook (their baby books are now)
Bribe my children (daily thing)
and many many more things....

Drew, Amber and Megan said...

Wowee, I have a huge delicious title. Awesome.

Amanda said...

I definitely said I wouldn't have gaudy toys all over my living room. And now I definitely have gaudy toys all over my living room. You can't walk through without bumbing into something and making it play music!

Kristen said...

oh, jackson, don't even get me started on how i previously felt about toys in the living room! and all over the rest of the house for that matter!

donr said...

My favorite pinch-me moment of the weekend was during our drive back from Ikea. RJ was tired of being immobilized in her car seat and was starting to strain and whine. KP and I sat in the front seat, singing along with Andy Partridge "If you want to know what the grasshopper thinks, the grasshopper thinks life is jumping. Use your legs, Mr. Grasshopper begs, and jump right over your down-in-the-dumps thing..." Over and over and over and over and over. Loudly, enthusiastically, without another thought in our heads. Tell me, honestly, that any of you ever imagined someday you'd be toddler song zombies...

Kristen said...

toddler song zombies... your description is fantastic, love!