Monday, February 5

Sweetening the Deal

Confession: I like to listen to "Oprah & Friends" on XM radio. It's so much more inspiring than listening/watching her TV show. All her "friends" have insights that I can appreciate.

It's funny, I've heard several of my most spiritual friends be down on Oprah and I really don't get it. Oprah gives it up for God and she also manages to inspire us all to live our best lives. You really can't beat her in my book.

The other day we (RJ and I) were listening to Jean Chatzky (O's financial guru) talk to this woman who owns an ad agency (the one that came up with the AFFLACK campaign.) The guest was talking about how you get much more from your employees when you "sweeten the deal." Which means not only be nice to your employees (even the lowly ones like messenger boy) but also have a bowl of M&Ms on your desk readily available for all who enter your office/cubical. It's proven that chocolate releases endorphins that make you feel good and so why wouldn't you share more of your million dollar ideas with co-workers when you have that feel-good chemical flowing through your blood.

I fully subscribe to this line of thought and see how it could be very powerful in day-to-day life. Too bad we can't really give candy to strangers -- or can we?

Anyway... the real point of this story comes back to Rosa Jane and this weekend.
Rosa Jane walks over to Hank in her sweetest voice with bone in hand saying something that sounds a lot like, "Here you go, Hanky." Hank takes the bone and starts chewing happily. Next, RJ tots as fast as she can over to her doll stroller or her push firetruck. Stroller in hand, she plows as fast as she can into Hanky, laughing her head off as he tries to scurry away in just the nick of time.

They do this over and over. He herds her. She herds him. Each laughing. Each having a good time. Each sweetening the deal. Now, just try to tell me we don't have the smartest baby on the block.


Richardsons of HV said...

I think people don't think Oprah is a believer because she believes in a lot of things. I'm not sure she is monotheistic but rather has a "do what you feel" attitude.
We definitely should give candy to strangers!!!!!!

katherine petillo said...

i'm getting some m&m's for my office tonight ;)

Kristen said...

steph, reading your comment reminded me of that time we tried to give candy to strangers on valentine's day. Driving around in your explorer, we tossed candy hearts out the window to spread v-day cheer to all. Ha.

Kristen said...

kat, I can't wait to hear how m&m's improve your work day! ;-)

Unknown said...

Driving around...
reminds me of yelling out the car "Welcome to Nashville!" in our crazy pants nutso voice. lol

Unknown said...

Let's give it up to the positive thinkin' God lovin' O.

GIVE candy to strangers = good
TAKE candy from strangers = bad

Kristen said...
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Kristen said...

The world needs clarification. First off, like scorned lovers steph and i drove around baylor’s campus pelting people with candy hearts on vday. i purposefully painted that picture rosier.

secondly, from your comment sal, it sounds like we drove circles around the mall acting like looney birds. No, we took it to streets, people and welcomed them to Nashville at the Greyhound Bus Station. It's called heart, people. ;-)

Amanda said...

Smart girl, that RJ! I never miss Oprah. Forget the spiritual guidance, she gets the best celebrity interviews.