Saturday, February 3

Shopping at Ikea

Originally uploaded by l_zuehlke.
Friday, Laurie called while RJ was sleeping and said she was heading to the brand new Ikea store about an hour away. I was so excited I could barely leave RJ sleepin' so we could get there as soon as we could.

It was definitely a challenge to shop with the peanut. She likes to walk around but won't hold my hand. She will walk in my direction if I stay in front of her, but in this modern day world of childsnatchers it's an risky proposition.

Here I'm trying to entertain her with anything and these colanders seem to do just the trick . . .


Cheryl said...

ooo the ikea, my soon to be home away from home. how was it? (shy of the wandering peanut)

Kristen said...

it was awesome!!! you tell me when you're going and I'll meet you there!!

Richardsons of HV said...

They have a childcare room that rocks! Oh, how the hour goes by so fast....

Kristen said...

What a tip!
I foresee lots of trouble now . . . !

Fulmer Fam said...

I miss Ikea, we had Scott's parents pick us up the cutest furniture for T's big bed while they were in Atlanta, I was so wanting to be there.

Unknown said...

Bad news about the daycare..there is a height requirement and kids must be potty trained. I'm thinking in the next 6 months I'll be good as gold.

Did you say free wireless internet and childcare? Yes, yes, yes...

Unknown said...

Funny story about that... about a year ago when Francis was about a year and half old, Matt and I were having an exhausted parent Saturday and somehow got on the subject of "what could we do?" One of us suggesting driving an hour to IKEA and putting Francis in daycare so we could have a break. Within 5 minutes we were in the care and within an hour we were hit with the potty training/height news. Oh well, I think we walked away with a dozen wooden hangers.

Unknown said...

in the CAR...

Kristen said...

that's hilarious!!